You might want to connect (in person or via livestream) to Jim Wallis' presentation at Virginia Theological Seminary tomorrow, September 26, 7 pm (EDT).

Jim has been my friend and colleague for many years, but I think he may be having a bigger impact this year than ever before. He has focused on the threat that Christian White Nationalism poses to our democracy and to Christian faith in this country.
Most white Christians voted for Donald Trump in 2016 and 2020. That will probably be true again next year. To my way of thinking, this is strong evidence that much of Christianity in America has been corrupted.
Jim released his latest book, The False White Gospel, in early April. The timing couldn't have been better. Just a few days before, Donald Trump had released his "God Bless the USA" Bible, so there was a lot of chatter in the media about Trump's pretensions to religious leadership.
Last Thursday, Jim released a statement on Christian faith and democracy. It was signed by 200 diverse Christian leaders (me included). We discussed theological reasons for defending democracy.
I expect the next six months to be tumultuous. I'm hoping that Jim's talk tomorrow evening will include advice on practical ways that people of faith and conscience can serve God's purposes during this important time.
You can sign up for the event at the QR code above or at this link: