My Calling

David is now working to engage faith voters in electing Democrats and defeating Trumpism. His digital communications support activists and social-change leaders across the country. As president of Bread for the World, he led large-scale grassroots advocacy campaigns. As coordinator of the Circle of Protection, he leads coordinated advocacy among church bodies and organizations that together include 100 million people.
David is a Lutheran pastor. At his ordination, he was called to be a missionary-economist, connecting Christian faith and moral values to the challenge of poverty. Bread for the World is a broadly interdenominational advocacy movement to end hunger. David founded the Alliance to End Hunger, which engages diverse organizations – Jewish and Muslim groups, universities, hospitals, corporations, and charities – in building the public and political will to end hunger.

David has also led Bread for the World Institute, a trusted source of analysis on hunger and effective anti-hunger policies. Before coming to Bread, he served as a World Bank economist for 15 years. He oversaw large-scale development projects in East Africa and Latin America, wrote speeches for the Bank’s president, and then led the World Bank’s initial engagement with civil society around the world.