Racism (as measured by an array of metrics) and poverty have both increased over the last couple years, and 76 Christian leaders are voicing God’s call to intensify our efforts to deal with these problems. This letter was organized by the Circle of Protection's leaders, who are shown below in the Vice President's formal office just before a meeting with her senior advisors last June.
The church leaders’ statement emphasizes the importance of anti-racism education in local churches and the urgency of Senate action on the Child Tax Credit expansion that the House has already approved The statement and a new guide to anti-racism educational resources for local churches were posted this morning at circleofprotection.us.
We have sent the church leaders’ statement to the White House and every member of Congress. The Christian leaders who signed the statement will share it in their churches and networks, and Religion News Service has published a news report on this initiative (https://religionnews.com/2024/05/01/75-christian-leaders-urge-president-congress-churches-to-act-on-racism-poverty/).