Congress and the new administration are setting their policy agenda—an agenda that will shape the future of programs for people who experience hunger and poverty. Together, as a collective Christian witness, we have the opportunity to speak truth to power and urge our nation’s leaders to act with compassion and justice.
This week, the Circle of Protection—a diverse coalition of Christian leaders—sent President Donald Trump and members of Congress a letter outlining two key priorities for the next administration and Congress. These priorities, grounded in scripture, reflect a shared commitment to building a more just and equitable society.
The letter calls on our elected leaders to:
Protect and fund programs that help people in poverty. Robustly fund poverty-related programs, such as housing and international aid, and oppose cuts to vital programs like SNAP that prevent hunger and poverty from worsening.
Support tax policies that reduces poverty. Expand the Child Tax Credit and ensure the tax system supports families with low incomes while asking more from those with greater financial resources.
These priorities reflect God’s call to care for those in need and to work toward justice for all. The full letter and more information are available at
